IBRA 2023, Essen, 25-28 May, 2023 |
German Occupation in Romania on Romanian revenues 1917-1918
LV, class 9, 85 points.
Scoring:23/32/26/4 p. Adrian APOSTU (Petrosani)  |
THAILAND 2018 World Stamp Exhibition, Bangkok, 28.11-03.12, 2018 |
Romanian revenues stamps from the special budgets for social support and social assistance 1913-1947.
V, class 5, 80 points.
Scoring: 22/33/21/4/80 Ion CHIRESCU (Bucuresti).
HUNFILEX 2022 Specialized World Stamp Exhibition, Budapesta 31.03-03.04, 2022 |
German Occupation in Romania on Romanian revenues 1917-1918
LV, class 4, 87 points.
Scoring: 24/34/24/5/87 Adrian APOSTU (Petrosani)).
FINLANDIA 2017, Tampere, 5-7 April, 2017 |
Romanian revenues stamps from the special budgets for social support and social assistance 1913-1947.
LV, class 5, 88 points.
Scoring: 26/32/27/3/88 Ion CHIRESCU (Bucuresti).
PRAGA 2018 Specialized World Stamp Exhibition, Praga 15-18 August, 2018 |
German Occupation in Romania on Romanian revenues 1917-1918
Vermeil, class 7, 80 points.
Scoring: 23/31/23/3/80 Adrian APOSTU (Petrosani)).
HUNFILA 2015, Tata, 26-28 June, 2015 |
Fiscal and postal utilization the I.O.V.R. stamps in 1947-48
Large Vermeil, ONE FRAME-REVENUE, 83 points.
Scoring:83 p. Dan Traian DEMETER(Lugoj)  |
BALKANFILA 2014, Vidin, 5-7 April, 2014 |
Propaganda vignettes "IIIth Congress of The Consumption Cooperation in 1958"
Vermeil, clasa B5 ONE FRAME, 78 points.
Scoring: 23/28/22/5/78 Adrian APOSTU (Petrosani).  |
PHILAKOREA 2014, Seoul, 7-12 August, 2014 |
German Occupation in Romania on Romanian revenues 1917-1918
Vermeil, class 9, 83 points.
Scoring: 23/32/25/3/83 Adrian APOSTU (Petrosani)).
110 ANI DE FILATELIE 2013, Timişoara, 9-12 Mai, 2013 |
ARPA fiscal stamps 1931
Vermeil, clasa 5.3.4. ONE FRAME-REVENUE, 83 points.
Scoring: 23/32/24/4/83 Alois WEIL (Arad).  |
110 ANI DE FILATELIE 2013, Timişoara, 9-12 Mai, 2013 |
Timisoara municipal tax stamps 1919-1936
Vermeil, class 5.3.4. ONE FRAME-REVENUE, 81 points.
Scoring: 23/30/24/4/81 Alin DANILA (Timisoara)).
110 ANI DE FILATELIE 2013, Timişoara, 9-12 Mai, 2013 |
Vignete de propagandă "Al III-lea Congres al Coop de Consum 1958"
Vermeil + F, clasa 5.3.4. ONE FRAME-REVENUE, 81 points.
Scoring: 23/27/27/4/81 p. Adrian APOSTU(Petroşani)  |
HUNFILA 2013, International Exhibition, Székesfehérvár 3-5 May, 2013 |
German Occupation in Romania on Romanian revenues 1917-1918
Gold + SP, clasa 5.2.2., 88 points.
Scoring: Treatment & Importance (30) 24 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 33 p, Condition & Rarity (30) 27 p, Presentation (5) 4 p. Total (100) 88 p. Adrian APOSTU (Petroşani)  |
BALKANFILA 2012, Maribofila 2012, Maribor 24-27 May, 2012 |
Revenue Stamps used in 1917 during the German occupation in Focsani
Large Vermeil, clasa Bb5 ONE FRAME-REVENUE, 80 points.
Scoring: 22/ 30/ 25/ 3. Adrian APOSTU (Petrosani).  |
HUNFILA 2011, International Exhibition, Balaton 8-10 April, 2011 |
Timisoara municipal tax stamps 1919-1936
Vermeil, class ONE FRAME, 81 points.
Scoring: . Alin DANILA (Timisoara)).
AEROMFILA 2011, Bucureşti, 22-26 Iunie, 2011 |
Aviation Stamps Pilot head 1932 issue
and its use under Fund Act
Gold + SP, clasa C XIII, 91 points.
Scoring: Treatment & Importance (30) 27 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 34 p, Condition & Rarity (30) 26 p, Presentation (5) 4 p. Total (100) 91 p. Grigore MITRACHE(Bucureşti)  |
ARPA fiscal stamps 1931
Vermeil, clasa C XIII, 83 points.
Scoring: Treatment & Importance (30) 23 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 32 p, Condition & Rarity (30) 24 p, Presentation (5) 4 p. Total (100) 83 p. Alois WEIL (Landshut-DE)).  |
1st issue for Aviation National Fund 1931,
law and its use
Vermeil, clasa C XIII, 79 points.
Scoring: Treatment & Importance (30) 23 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 31 p, Condition & Rarity (30) 21 p, Presentation (5) 4 p. Total (100) 79 p. Adrian APOSTU (Petrosani)).  |
SALONUL FILATELIC 2009, National Philatelic Exhibition, Bucureşti, 9-15 October, 2009 |
Utilizarea timbrelor fiscale generale cu efigia Regelui Carol II, 1932 - 1940
Vermeil + SP, clasa 4, 82 points.
Scoring: Treatment & Importance (30) 25 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 32 p, Condition & Rarity (30) 25 p, Presentation (5) 3 p. Total (100) 85 p. ANDREI Ion-Călin (Bucureşti)  |
SALONUL FILATELIC 2009, National Philatelic Exhibition, Bucureşti, 9-15 October, 2009 |
Timbrul fiscal local (taxă comunală) din Ardeal şi Banat în perioada 1940 - 1948
Vermeil + SP, clasa 4, 82 points.
Scoring: Treatment & Importance (30) 25 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 32 p, Condition & Rarity (30) 25 p, Presentation (5) 3 p. Total (100) 85 p. COJOCAR Mihai (Bucureşti)  |
EFIRO 2008, World Philatelic Exhibition, Bucuresti 14 - 21 May, 2008 |
126 ERRORS of "Social securities" stamps 1947-1949
Silver, class B.12.2, 78 points
Scoring: 23/ 28/ 24/ 3/ 78 S. Mihai COJOCAR  |
BULGARIA 2009, European Philatelic Exhibition, Sofia 27 - 31 May, 2009 |
NASAUD Country and Municipal revenues 1945
Gold, class ONE FRAME - RE, 90 points
Scoring: 26/ 32/ 27/ 5/ 90. Mircea DRAGOTEANU  |
EFIRO 2007 |
126 ERRORS of "Social securities" stamps 1947-1949
Medalie în rang de vermeil mare, clasa 1 panou (Large vermeil medal ranch, 1 frame class). Mihai COJOCAR  |
EFIRO 2007 |
NASAUD COUNTY and MUNICIPAL REVENUES used in February-April 1945, during Soviet Army Aministration in Nothern Transylvania
Medalie în rang de aur, clasa 1 panou (Gold medal ranch, 1 frame class). Mircea DRAGOTEANU  |