King Charles Ist, Invoices and bills, 1911 issue |
1911. Charles 1st EFFIGY In 1911 appears the famous issue of general revenue stamps and foreign effects with the effigy of King Carol I. These stamps circulated until the end of 1919 and had the following value and sizes: FACTURI - CHITANŢE "Invoices and memorandums (froms)": 10 b brown, 32x36 mm format, 28x31.5 mm cliché; printed in the typography. Reprinted in 1916 in the yelow-brown colour and brown on crem paper or checkered rose paper. |
King Charles Ist, Invoices and bills, 1917/1918 overprinted issues |
 1916 Charles 1st EFFIGY, 1911 issue reprinted in 1916. During the First World War the stamps used in the occupied territory where "overprinted" by the occupying forces order with the initials "M.V.i.R." (two types of overprint) or "Gültig 9 Armée". Their printing was done on printing presses brought in 1907 - 1919, using dies manufactured abroad. King Charles Ist "MF" and "MF" + "BUCOVINA" overprint used in the incorporates provinces belonging to the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. |
King Charles 2nd, 1933 issues |
Since February 7, 1933, all issues BILLS - INVOICES consist of double stamps perforated down the middle. Three issues arise: February 1933 King Charles 2nd Series A 6-values, June 1933 King Charles 2nd effigy on pearl circle with 5 values, August 1933 King Charles 2nd effigy and arms in a circle with 5 values. |
King Charles 2nd, 1940 overprinted issues |
On September 6, 1940, all three previous issues have been overprinted with an overprint in italics "6 septemvrie 1940. Circulated following the abdication of King Charles 2 and getting on the throne of King Michael I. |
MICHAEL (reign 1927 - 1930, 1940 coronation, 1945 Kingdom abolished) |
15 aprile 1941, were issued two issues King Michael I, effigy in a circle with 8 values and effigy in square on parchment paper with 7 values. |
August 11, 1943, were issued two issues King Michael I, effigy on a guilloche background with 12 values and effigy black guilloche background on parchment paper with 9 values. |
September 1, 1945, one issue King Michael I, effigy black guilloche background on vellum paper with 6 values. |
With effect from June 1, 1946 all tax amounts printed on special coated paper will be made on vellum paper with watermark MI. Were printed three issues: first of 3 values, the effigy of King Michael I, black guilloche background, the second of 6 values effigy guilloche background, the third after the monetary stabilization in 1947, the 4 values effigy guilloche background. |
August 18, 1947, values of previous issues overprinted with "1947". Four values where put into circulation. |
January 10, 1948. Michael I. depicts the background guilloche, 9 values overprinted with the words "REPUBLICA POPULARA ROMANA". |
September 1, 1948. New issue of 11 values on watermarked paper with MI, two formats, emblem Romanian People's Republic. November 15, 1948 the 2nd issue of 11 values on paper with watermark RPR. |
January 28, 1952. Coat of arms of the Romanian People. 7 values overprinted with new values. The last issue of stamps for Invoices - Slips. |
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