BALKANFILA XX, Thessaloniki, 13-16 November, 2024 |
Romania - King Carol I Effigy, 1911-1919
LG, Class C6, 91 points.
Scoring:28/30/28/5 |
IBRA 2023, Essen, 25-28 May, 2023 |
Romania, the earliest issues of adhesive revenues 1872-1911
G, Class 9, 91 points.
Scoring:26/33/28/4 |
LIBEREC 2022 European Stamp Exhibition, Liberec 13-16 October, 2022 |
100 years of Romanian Commerce and Stock Exchange, 1847 - 1947 (the first exhibit in the world, with 50% + 50% revenues material presented in the OPEN class)
G, Class 5, 90 points.
Scoring:........ |
INDONESIA 2022 World Stamp Championship Exhibition, Indonesia 9-14 August, 2022 |
Romania - King Carol I Effigy, 1911-1919
G, Class 4, 91 points + SP.
Scoring:26/34/26/5/91 |
PRAGA 2018 Specialized World Stamp Exhibition, Praga 15-18 August, 2018 |
100 years of Romanian Commerce and Stock Exchange, 1847 - 1947
LV, Class 6, 88 points.
Scoring:26/32/27/3/88 |
NOTOS 2015 International Philatelic Exhibition, Athina 12-15 November, 2015 |
100 years of Romanian Commerce and Stock Exchange, 1847 - 1947
LG, Class C9, 95 points + SP Material.
PHILAKOREA 2014 World Stamp Exhibition, Seoul 7-12 August, 2014 |
The use of Romanian consular stamps for Foreign Affairs from his appearance 1921 to ending 1984
LS, Class 9, 75 points.
SALON DU TIMBRE 2014, Paris, 17-22 June, 2014 |
100 years of Romanian Commerce and Stock Exchange, 1847 - 1947
Vermeil, Class OPEN, 81 points.
Scoring: 23/30/25/3/81
BRASILIANA 2013, World Stamp Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, 19-25 Nov. 2013 |
The use of fiscal stamps with the Queen Mary effigy issued by
the "League against tuberculosis" 1928 - 1934
Diploma, Class 12H One frame, 80 points.
Scoring: 20/32/25/3/80
Postal tax exempt,
SILISTRA issue, 1913
Diploma, Class 12A One frame, 85 points.
Scoring: 23/33/24/3/85
EVORA 2013, Bilateral Portugal / Bulgaria, Ebora-Portugal, 17-22 Sept, 2013 |
Gold, Class 2c, 85 points.
BALKANFILA 2012, Maribofila 2012, Maribor 24-27 May, 2012 |
100 years of Romanian Commerce and Stock Exchange, 1847 - 1947
Gold, Class OPEN, 85 points.
INDIPEX 2011, World Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi 12-18 February, 2011 |
Romania, The Earliest Mobile General Revenue Stamps Issues of 1872- 1919
Large Vermeil, Class 9, 88 points.
Scoring: Treatment (20) 18 p & Importance (10) 8 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 32 p, Condition (10) 8 p & Rarity (20) 17 p, Presentation (5) 5 p. Total (100) 88 p + Fel.
Postal tax exempt,
SILISTRA issue, 1913
Diploma, Class One frame, 81 points.
HUNFILA 2011, International Exhibition, Balaton 8-10 April, 2011 |
The use of fiscal stamps "League against tuberculosis" 1928-1934
Vermeil, Class ONE FRAME, 82 points.
PATRAPHILEX 2010, International Exhibition, Patras 6-14 November, 2010 |
The use of Romanian consular stamps for Foreign Affairs from his appearance 1921 to ending 1984
Large Vermeil, Class G6, 82 points.
LONDON 2010, International Stamp Exhibition, London 8-15 May, 2010 |
Romania, the earliest mobile general revenue stamps issues of 1872-1919, in the Charles 1st Reign
Large Vermeil, Class 4, 88 points.
Scoring: Treatment & Importance (30) 24 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 34 p, Condition & Rarity (30) 27 p, Presentation (5) 3 p. Total (100) 88 p. |
ANTVERPIA 2010, European Championship, Antwerp 9 - 12 April. 2010 |
The story of Romanian Stock Exchange and Chamber of Commerce fiscal stamps and their use, 1882 - 1948
Vermeil medal, Class 10 OPEN, 83 points.
Scoring: Title, Ideea & Creativity (20) 17 p, Treatment, Plan & Development, Research & Knowledge of the Subject (40) 32 p, Material, Condition & Rarity, Intelligent Use and Variety of the Non-Philatelic Material (25) 21 p, Presentation (15) 13 p. Total (100) 83 p. |
The use of the Aviation Fund revenue stamps, 1931 - 1942
Large Vermeil medal, Class 8 REVENUES, 87 points.
Scoring: Treatment & Importance (30) 25 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 33 p, Condition & Rarity (30) 25 p, Presentation (5) 4 p. Total (100) 87 p. |
LAVRION 2009, National Philatelic Exhibition, Lavrio (Greece)30/09 to 4/10, 2009 |
The story of Romanian Stock Exchange and Chamber of Commerce fiscal stamps and their use, 1882 - 1948
Gold, Class G 6, 85 points.
Scoring: Treatment & Importance (30) 25 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 32 p, Condition & Rarity (30) 25 p, Presentation (5) 3 p. Total (100) 85 p. |
BULGARIA 2009, European Philatelic Exhibition, Sofia 27th May to 31st May, 2009 |
Romania, the earliest mobile general revenue stamps issues of 1872-1919, in the Charles 1st Reign
Gold, Class B 2, 93 points.
Scoring: Treatment & Importance (30) 27 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 33 p, Condition & Rarity (30) 28 p, Presentation (5) 5 p. Total (100) 93 p.
Remarks: Felicitations for research. |
CHINA 2009, World Stamp Exhibition, Luoyang 10 - 16 April, 2009 |
The use of the Romanian revenues with king Ferdinand effigy, 1919-1930
Vermeil, Class 9, 80 points.
Scoring: Treatment (20) 14p, Importance (10) 8 p, Philatelic & related Knowledge, personal study & research (35) 31 p, Condition (10) 8p & Rarity (20) 16p, Presentation (5) 3 p. Total (100) 80 p.
Remarks: Good material, but pages far too crowded. Too much irelevant information, so that relevant info hard to follow. Rates listed but not explained. |
EFIRO 2008, World Philatelic Exhibition, Bucuresti 20 - 27 June, 2008 |
The use of Romanian fixed Revenues Stamps from His Appearance
1856 to Ending 1952
Large Vermeil, Class B3, 87 points. |
ISRAEL 2008, World Stamp Championship, Tel Aviv 14 - 21 May, 2008 |
The use of mobile revenue stamps in the Charles 1st reign, 1872-1914
Gold medal, Class 9, 92 points. Revenue Results Israel |
ROMÂNIA - BULGARIA 2007, Bilateral Exhibition Ruse 9 - 11 november 2007 |
The use of Romanian revenue stamps for Foreign Affairs
NON competitive. Diploma for participation. Special prize accorded by Bulgarian Philatelic Federation |
BALKANFILA XIV 2007, Balkan States Exhibition, Istanbul 28 oct. - 3 nov. 2007 |
The use of Romanian revenue stamps for Foreign Affairs
Large vermeil medal, Class B3e, 86 points. Special prize accorded by Union of Philatelists of Serbia |
The use of the Aviation Found revenue stamps, 1931 - 1942
Vermeil medal, Class B3e, 82 points. |
ROMÂNIA - LUXEMBURG 2007, Bilateral Exhibition Sibiu 12 - 15 october 2007 |
The use of the romanian revenues with the King Ferdinand effigy, 1919 - 1930
Diploma to the rank of vermeil medal, Class 2.7, 82 points. Special prize accorded by Leonard Paşcanu |
AEROMFILA 2007, National Exhibition Timişoara 3 - 5 august 2007 |
The use of the Aviation Found revenue stamps, 1931 - 1942
Diploma to the rank of vermeil medal, XIIIin Group, 84 points. Special prize accorded by AF Timis |
EFIRO 2007 National Exhibition - Bucharest 21-26 june 2007 |
The use of the Romanian fixed revenue stamp, 1856 - 1952
Diploma to the rank of gold medal, Revenue class, 90 points. |
Belgica 2006 World Exhibition -Bruphila 2006 - Bruxelles 16-20 nov. 2006
The Romanian Stock Exchange, a world, a name, a life
Silver medal, Open class, class 3 (adults), 82 points. |
ESPANA '06 World Exhibition- Malaga 7-13 oct. 2006 |
The use of Romanian mobile revenue stamps, issued by the state, printed at the Stamp Works between 1875 and 1930
Vermeil medal, Revenues, class B3, 80 points. |
Aeromfila 2006, 27-30 iulie 2006 Constanta |
Utilizarea timbrelor fiscale Fondul Naţional al Aviaţiei
Medalie de vermeil si premiul special acordat de Alianz Ţiriac Asigurări, un panou Grupa XIII. |
International Philatelic Saloon '05 - Bucuresti 26-30 september 2005 |
The use of Romanian mobile revenue stamps, issued by the state, printed at the Stamp Works between 1875 and 1930
AEP not competitive |
Liliput Saloon 2005 |
Utilizarea şi anularea timbrului fiscal de 10 bani emisiunile 1875-1898
Medalie în rang de argint, clasa 1 panou, 78 puncte.
Timbrele fiscale "Efecte Străine" emisiunile 1875-1886, varietăţi, curiozităţi, utilizarea şi anularea lor
Medalie în rang de argint, clasa 1 panou, 78 puncte. |
Hunfila-Pápá June '05 |
The use and cancellations of the 10"bani" Revenue stamp, issues 1875-1898
Rubin medal, class One panel, 76 points.
My first International participation. |
Philatelic Saloon - Dec. 2004 |
Utilizarea şi anularea timbrului fiscal de 10 bani emisiunile 1875-1898
Medalie în rang de vermeil, clasa 1 panou.
Timbrele fiscale "Efecte Străine" emisiunile 1875-1886, varietăţi, curiozităţi, utilizarea şi anularea lor
Medalie în rang de aur, clasa 1 panou. Prima participare expozitionala |
pregatire salon 2005 |
Utilizarea şi anularea timbrului fiscal de 10 bani emisiunile 1875-1898
Timbrele fiscale "Efecte Străine" emisiunile 1875-1886, varietăţi, curiozităţi, utilizarea şi anularea lor |